26.07.18: First Trial of Four Yogyakarta May Day Defendants

The trial has begun for the four class war prisoners who were transferred to Cebongan Prison for the Yogyakarta M1 (May Day) case. The four imprisoned comrades initials are AMH, ZW, MI and MEA.

The anarchist action commemorating May Day is entering a new phase. The class war prisoners who took part in the demonstrations at the intersection outside UIN Yogyakarta (Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University) underwent a preliminary trial hearing at the Sleman District Court on July 26th.

The first preliminary trial hearing consisted of the prosecutor reading the indictment against the comrades. The prosecutor stated that this trial should take place separately from the criminal case and called for a split hearing.

The trial is taking place in sequential order. Azhar and Zikra are Case Number 306/Pd.B/2018/PNSmn, while Edo and Boim are Case Number 305/Pid.B/2018/PNSmn. So it is a split case file, however it the trial will still take place in the same court room.

A split hearing was called for because the defendants are each facing different indictments from open trials. In the indictment that was read out there is material presented relating to violence and destruction against public facilities. This is in accordance with evidence already gathered by the police.

Based on the criminal charges, the prisoners being threatened with either Article 170, paragraph (1) which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years imprisonment, or Article 406 of the Criminal Code which carries a maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment. There was also evidence attached that alleges that the four comrades committed a criminal act during M1. The four defendant not making an exception.

Persidangan perdana empat tahanan perang kelas yang sudah dipindahkan ke lapas Cebongan dalam kasus M1 di Yogyakarta. Inisial keempat tahanan yang disidang adalah AMH, ZW, MI dan MEA.

Aksi Anarkis memperingati M1 memasuki babak baru. Empat tahanan perang kelas yang melakukan protes demontrasi di pertigaan UIN Yogyakarta menjalani sidang perdana di Pengadilan Negeri Sleman (26 Juli).

Agenda sidang pertama merupakan pembacaan indictment oleh Whistle Blower (WB). WB mengatakan sidang berlangsungĀ  secara pemisahan berkas pidana perkara (splitsing).

Materi persidangan berlangsung secara berurutan. Azhar dan Zikra mendapatkan Nomor Kasus 306/Pid.B/2018/PNSmn. Sedangkan Edo dan Boim mendapatkan Nomor Kasys 305/Pid.B/2018/PNSmn. Berurutan tapi tetap satu ruangan. Namun, berkas perkaranya dipisah atau splitsing.

Pertimbangan splitsing karena setiap terdakwa memiliki dakwaan yang berbeda dan juga pasal yang berbeda dengan persidangan yang dilakukan secara terbuka. Dalam dakwaan yang dibacakan ada materi berupa aksi kekerasan dan perusakan fasilitas umum. Hal ini sesuai bukti-bukti yang telah dikumpulkan kepolisian.

Sesuai dakwaan pidana, empat tahanan perang kelas diancam dengan pasal 170 ayat (1) dengan tuntutan maksimal 5 tahun penjara atau pasal 406 KUHP jo pasal 56 ayat (1) dengan tuntutan maksimal 2 tahun penjara. Ada bukti-bukti terlampir yang menguatkan keempatnnya telah melakukan aksi pidana saat M1 dan keempat tahanan perang kelas tidak mengajukan eksepsi.

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