“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” – Beyond Good and Evil Background We know that there is no eco-extremist tendency in Indonesia, although past statements from FAI cells tended to […]
Category Archives: Wacana
Seek and Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere: A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross (Indonesia) Note: Updated edited version.
Information “Snitch” Achmad Azwar Darmawan

From: Agitasi.noblogs.org Achmad Azwar Darmawan was one of the people who were arrested during the M1 (May 1st) protest in Yogyakarta. He and three other people were arrested when they escaped to Bogor. They were accused of writing down the anti-monarchy graffiti during the protest, which upset a lot of people. Two people became suspects, […]
Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross

Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross (Palang Hitam) Knowledge chooses its project, each project is new and chooses its moments, each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from the memory of all the moments that existed before The Interior of the Absolute It is fair to […]
Bantuan Medis Jalanan & Keselamatan Demonstran

Panduan ini juga tersedia dalam bentuk .pdf. Klik tautan berikut untuk unduh. Panduan ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengganti pelatihan pertolongan pertama dan medis jalanan. Informasi yang kami sediakan dalam panduan medis jalanan ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan sebagai materi referensi atau untuk tujuan pendidikan. Materi ini juga tidak menjadi acuan kualifikasi seseorang untuk menjadi medis jalanan […]
Bata Demi Bata: Membangun Dunia Tanpa Penjara

oleh Layne Mullett Waktu baca: 40 menit. Sangat disarankan untuk dibaca kala senggang. Sejak publikasi karya Michele Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness pada tahun 2012, ada banyak pembicaraan tentang perlunya mengakhiri pemenjaraan massal (Mass Incarceration). Semakin banyak orang berbicara secara terbuka tentang implikasi moral dan finansial dari mempertahankan sistem […]